Traditional Rice Cultivation in Konkan

In the month of May Initially the field to be cultivated is covered with dry leaves, sticks and dry dung which is then burned,which enables the soil to become fertile.This is called "bhaazavan"in Marathi. Thereafter it is ploughed with a pair of bullock or buffalo plough. During this process seeds are sown. This is called as "perni" in Marathi. After the initial rainfall the paddy fields sown begins to sprout. They are allowed to grow upto 12" to 30". In the adjacent wet fields ploughing is done this process is called "chikhli" in Marathi. The rice plants are now uprooted and replanted across the newly ploughed field. This process is called as "laavni" in Marathi. Once the paddy fields are ripen they are harvested. This is termed as "bhaat kaapni". The crop is carried to dry place for trashing which is termed as "malni" in Marathi. In Kokan during the "laavni" season schools are given holidays. This is because the whole family from elders to children participate in this activity. After this cropping the same field is used for recultivation of white kidney beans. In Raigad  regions of konkan they make multiple farmings, paddy fields are grown twice a year.